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Trade-in your CD player for a UNITI product or streamer

Over the past 18 months, Naim Audio have encountered challenges with the availability of essential components needed to repair their legacy CD players. Supplies of the necessary components are running low. As a result, it has become increasingly difficult for Naim Audio and supplying retailers to provide the necessary support for all Naim products, particularly for CD player repairs.

To address this issue, Gulliford Hi-Fi are excited to introduce a great Naim trade-in program. Eligible CD players (specified below) can now be exchanged for a special rate on a Uniti Star, a streamer (NDX2 or ND5 XS2), and/or a Uniti Core at our network of retailers.

Eligible CD players for exchange:

  • CD5
  • CDX
  • CDX-2
  • CD5i
  • CDS-3
  • CD5x
  • CD5i-2
  • CD5 XS

 Please don’t hesitate to contact us at Gulliford Hi-Fi to take advantage of this offer. We will be more than happy to assist you in exploring your options.

Find out more about the complete Uniti range, NDX 2, or ND5 XS2 by visiting the manufacturer’s website.

For further information about any of the range of Naim Audio products available through Gulliford Hi-Fi, email or call +44 (0)1392 491194.

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